Seeing through my Heart
Stories are like the Fragrance of a Flower.You don't need them and often we get lost in them.But they can exude a wonderful Aroma. One that can touch people and give them Warmth, Hope and Inspiration. Here is my Attempt......
My name is Ulrich Mattes, born in Aachen, Germany and I am glad you are here!
It is Thursday, August 25, 2023, 3:12 pm. Funny, these little signs of Life.....
I was born on 15.12. and here on the beautiful island of Corfu I am preparing the birth of my new website. Presenting my Service and Gift to the World. To support people to remind them again of their inner Truth and Beauty. Encouraging them to shed the Masks behind which we so often Hide.
I was born on 15.12. and here on the beautiful island of Corfu I am preparing the birth of my new website. Presenting my Service and Gift to the World. To support people to remind them again of their inner Truth and Beauty. Encouraging them to shed the Masks behind which we so often Hide.
And I speak from my own Experience. I had forgotten this inner Light, this pure Truth and my own Beauty. I didn't even know what it was supposed to be.
As a well-known Fashion and Advertising Photographer, I actually had everything.
Great apartment, cool car, amazing photo studio and always beautiful women.
That was my idea of Happiness. I always looked for Happiness and Love on the outside. Stoked even this image through my fashion- and advertising Photography.
As a well-known Fashion and Advertising Photographer, I actually had everything.
Great apartment, cool car, amazing photo studio and always beautiful women.
That was my idea of Happiness. I always looked for Happiness and Love on the outside. Stoked even this image through my fashion- and advertising Photography.
In 2012, life kissed me Awake....
The cool photographer hiding behind countless Masks could no longer keep up the "Ideal World" facade. Depression and various Addictions brought me down.
Today I know that it had to come this way and it was a starting signal for me to turn inward. Not to look for Love on the outside, but to perceive it step by step within myself. I began to meditate. Perhaps it was Grace that after a few weeks of Meditation I found myself in the Infinite Vastness of the Universe. My view of the world turned 180 degrees. It was the Spark for a clear YES to embark on my inner Journey of Exploration.
Today I know that it had to come this way and it was a starting signal for me to turn inward. Not to look for Love on the outside, but to perceive it step by step within myself. I began to meditate. Perhaps it was Grace that after a few weeks of Meditation I found myself in the Infinite Vastness of the Universe. My view of the world turned 180 degrees. It was the Spark for a clear YES to embark on my inner Journey of Exploration.
For 11 years now I have been on this Path to embrace my inner Demons. In the meanwhile i have learned to Be with them and to Love them. Various tools supported me (Meditation, Dancing, Spiritual Teachings and Teachers, Retreats, Plant Medicine, Human Design, the Gene Keys) and brought me to this Place: This place is called "Inner Peace." Seeing Life as my best Teacher. I have realized that all Encounters and Situations in Life, no matter how challenging and painful, are a Gift for my Inner Growth.

True Seeing always gives Rise to true Love - Thich Nhat Hanh
This quote from Thich Nhat Hanh is on my Homepage for a Reason.
Two years ago I spent 8 days in Darkness in a room in my House.
The first night in a dream I saw myself sitting on a wooden bench meditating in Nature.
Thich Nhat Hanh sat quietly next to me and started Drumming.
This was already, in a way, the starting Signal for my Work.
And this quote matches so wonderfully with my Offering.
What I experienced during these 8 days of my Dark Retreat was MindBlowing.
The Essence for me in this time, was to Trust my very own Power,
to reconnect with the World and come out of Hiding and that in the Darkness is crystal Light.
Swaths of light cleansed my Eyes and prepared what I now bring into the World :
"Remember Your Beauty"
A photographic Journey to Your True Self
Often we can't even see the Masks we hide behind.
Only when you can see the Truth, only when you look behind the Mask,
you remember your Beauty and the Love that is inside you.
And I support you with full Devotion and Joy !
Here I end my little Story.
It's wonderful that you stayed. Thank you !
If you now feel a Resonance to learn more about me and this Photographic Journey,
I will be very happy to hear from you and get to know you.
It's all about YOU !
In deep bow

My Service is available in Germany right Now.
I'm on the Road again.
I'm on the Road again.
+49 163 656 49 04 (Germany)
+45 91 5678 21 (Denmark)